Honors Government, 3rd Quarter Missed Work Opportunities:
Legislative Branch
government_make_up_tasks.docx | |
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Note: Download the document at the top of this page first. It gives students the chance to see how many points are missing as well as a checklist of possible tasks in which they can gain points back.
Instructions: If you are missing any work from the Legislative Branch Unit, you may use this page as an opportunity to make up those points. Although the assignments may be slightly different, the content will be the same. This page is not meant for extra credit. It is meant to give you opportunity to complete missing tasks.
If you are missing points in the practice category, you may do any of the activities in the 'Practice Score Opportunities' section. You'll get ten points for each activity you complete and send a picture of through e-mail. You can only make up enough points to satisfy the tasks that are missing (example: If you are only missing one ten point assignment, you can not do three practice tasks). However, if a practice score is 30 points, you'd have to complete three of these practice tasks in order to obtain all of those points.
If you are missing points within the process category, there are two options to allow you to make up work. One of these involves videos. The other involves research links. You may get up to 15 points per task completed and make up practice points for any tasks that are missing in that category (if you are missing a 30 point process assignment, you can do two of these tasks).
If you are missing product scores, there is a project assignment you can do with some flexibility to it. You will also be given the option to make up any assessments, as instructed within that category.
If what you need goes beyond what is on this page, reach out to me at [email protected] so that I may help you. I want to make sure each of you have the opportunity to be successful during this time and fully believe that you can!
Instructions: If you are missing any work from the Legislative Branch Unit, you may use this page as an opportunity to make up those points. Although the assignments may be slightly different, the content will be the same. This page is not meant for extra credit. It is meant to give you opportunity to complete missing tasks.
If you are missing points in the practice category, you may do any of the activities in the 'Practice Score Opportunities' section. You'll get ten points for each activity you complete and send a picture of through e-mail. You can only make up enough points to satisfy the tasks that are missing (example: If you are only missing one ten point assignment, you can not do three practice tasks). However, if a practice score is 30 points, you'd have to complete three of these practice tasks in order to obtain all of those points.
If you are missing points within the process category, there are two options to allow you to make up work. One of these involves videos. The other involves research links. You may get up to 15 points per task completed and make up practice points for any tasks that are missing in that category (if you are missing a 30 point process assignment, you can do two of these tasks).
If you are missing product scores, there is a project assignment you can do with some flexibility to it. You will also be given the option to make up any assessments, as instructed within that category.
If what you need goes beyond what is on this page, reach out to me at [email protected] so that I may help you. I want to make sure each of you have the opportunity to be successful during this time and fully believe that you can!
Practice Score Opportunities (10 points each):
Option One: Complete Target Reviews (below)
Option Two: Watch any of the short videos (1-6 minutes) from Congress pages directly below; write down five things you learn from each.
Option Three: Complete any of the vocabulary reviews from the links below with at least a 70% or higher.
Links for options two and three:
Part One: Structure of Congress
Part Two: Powers of Congress
Part Three: How a Bill Becomes a Law
The targets below are the reviews you were to have completed in class for the legislative branch. If you are missing any target reviews, you can complete these for 10 points each. You can miss up to 4 targets per set. If you miss more than 4, retry until you hit the standard. You can send a screenshot for each set you complete. You may also complete any of the legislative branch vocabulary reviews. The links are listed right above
You can take a picture of the score and e-mail them to [email protected]. Be sure to note at the top of the page which missing practice assignment this is being scored as.
Option One: Complete Target Reviews (below)
Option Two: Watch any of the short videos (1-6 minutes) from Congress pages directly below; write down five things you learn from each.
Option Three: Complete any of the vocabulary reviews from the links below with at least a 70% or higher.
Links for options two and three:
Part One: Structure of Congress
Part Two: Powers of Congress
Part Three: How a Bill Becomes a Law
The targets below are the reviews you were to have completed in class for the legislative branch. If you are missing any target reviews, you can complete these for 10 points each. You can miss up to 4 targets per set. If you miss more than 4, retry until you hit the standard. You can send a screenshot for each set you complete. You may also complete any of the legislative branch vocabulary reviews. The links are listed right above
You can take a picture of the score and e-mail them to [email protected]. Be sure to note at the top of the page which missing practice assignment this is being scored as.
Target, Set One - Setup of Congress
Target, Set Two - How a Bill Becomes a Law
Target, Set Three - Types of Powers
Process Score Opportunities (15 points each):
Option One: Watch the videos below. Each video is between 8-18 minutes. At the top of your paper, write which video number you watched. As you watch each video, record notes regarding the legislative branch. Make sure the notes are full thoughts, not single words. For each appropriate fact you write, you will get one point. You may get up to 15 points per video.
You can take a picture of your notes or type them digitally and e-mail them to [email protected]. Be sure to note at the top of the page which missing process assignment this is being scored as.
Option One: Watch the videos below. Each video is between 8-18 minutes. At the top of your paper, write which video number you watched. As you watch each video, record notes regarding the legislative branch. Make sure the notes are full thoughts, not single words. For each appropriate fact you write, you will get one point. You may get up to 15 points per video.
You can take a picture of your notes or type them digitally and e-mail them to [email protected]. Be sure to note at the top of the page which missing process assignment this is being scored as.
Option Two: Using the links below, research Legislative Branch as well as the other branches of government. As you read the content, come up with a review question and answer. For each question and answer you create, you get 1 point. You can get up to 15 points per site.
You can take a picture of your questions/answers or type them digitally and e-mail them to [email protected]. Be sure to note at the top of the page which missing process assignment this is being scored as.
Link One: https://www.history.com/topics/us-government/legislative-branch
Link Two: https://www.factmonster.com/us/government/three-branches-of-government
Link Three: https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/education/three-branches/legislative-branch
Link Four: https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/the-legislative-branch/
Link Five: https://votesmart.org/education/how-a-bill-becomes-law#.XoNb6d_YrnE
Link Six: https://www.genome.gov/about-genomics/policy-issues/How-Bill-Becomes-Law
You can take a picture of your questions/answers or type them digitally and e-mail them to [email protected]. Be sure to note at the top of the page which missing process assignment this is being scored as.
Link One: https://www.history.com/topics/us-government/legislative-branch
Link Two: https://www.factmonster.com/us/government/three-branches-of-government
Link Three: https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/education/three-branches/legislative-branch
Link Four: https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/the-legislative-branch/
Link Five: https://votesmart.org/education/how-a-bill-becomes-law#.XoNb6d_YrnE
Link Six: https://www.genome.gov/about-genomics/policy-issues/How-Bill-Becomes-Law
Product Score Opportunities (20 points each):
Option one: Create a poster, a brochure, or write a letter about the legislative branch of the United States. Use research from the videos or links provided above. In your item, be sure to include at least ten pieces of information regarding the legislative branch.
You can take a picture of your task or make it digitally and e-mail them to [email protected]. Be sure to note at the top of the page which missing product assignment this is being scored as.
Option two: Take an online quiz on socrative.com. If you choose this option, you must contact me and I will arrange for a time for you to complete it. I will set up the socrative for that specific time period so that you can take it.
Option one: Create a poster, a brochure, or write a letter about the legislative branch of the United States. Use research from the videos or links provided above. In your item, be sure to include at least ten pieces of information regarding the legislative branch.
You can take a picture of your task or make it digitally and e-mail them to [email protected]. Be sure to note at the top of the page which missing product assignment this is being scored as.
Option two: Take an online quiz on socrative.com. If you choose this option, you must contact me and I will arrange for a time for you to complete it. I will set up the socrative for that specific time period so that you can take it.