American Government, 4th Quarter Online Week 5 Tasks:
Federal and State Legislative Branches
Instructions: On this page, there are a variety of activities you can choose from in order to learn about the federal, state, and local legislative branches. These activities cover various aspects of the branches and I tried to make them as similar as possible to what you've been doing in class. Your task is to choose one activity from each category (there are four options per category)-Learning about the General Assembly; The General Assembly in Action; Taking Action. You may do all of your work on a sheet of notebook paper (or composition book) and send me pictures of all three tasks in a single e-mail. You may also fill in the answer forms digitally or print the answer forms and write the answers in. Send all of your work for this page in a single e-mail.
Task One (Learn about the General Assembly):
The following links all contain information about the Maryland General Assembly and can be used as resources for your work.
Link one:
Link two:
Link three:
Link four:
Option One: Review the links above and create a poster, brochure, or pamphlet about the General Assembly. Be sure to include the following information: Where it meets; what are the two parts; the requirements to be elected to each part; term lengths; job duties
Option Two: Using the links above, create ten detailed questions with answers regarding the Maryland General Assembly.
Option Three: Create a T-chart comparing the U.S. Congress to the General Assembly. Be sure to include where they meet, the two parts; requirements for each part; term lengths; duties. You may use previous notes from class or links for U.S. Congress.
Option Four: Write two detailed paragraphs--one explaining the setup/requirements/duties of U.S. Congress in the first paragraph and the setup/requirements/duties of the General Assembly in the second.
Option Five: Come up with an idea of your choice (can be creative--artwork, a skit, crossword puzzle, etc...) that shows evidence of knowledge about the Maryland General Assembly.
Option Two: Using the links above, create ten detailed questions with answers regarding the Maryland General Assembly.
Option Three: Create a T-chart comparing the U.S. Congress to the General Assembly. Be sure to include where they meet, the two parts; requirements for each part; term lengths; duties. You may use previous notes from class or links for U.S. Congress.
Option Four: Write two detailed paragraphs--one explaining the setup/requirements/duties of U.S. Congress in the first paragraph and the setup/requirements/duties of the General Assembly in the second.
Option Five: Come up with an idea of your choice (can be creative--artwork, a skit, crossword puzzle, etc...) that shows evidence of knowledge about the Maryland General Assembly.
Task Two (General Assembly in Action):
Option One: Watch each of the four of the videos (2-3 minutes each) that cover different aspects of the General Assembly. Write three takeaways/notes/opinions for each one.
Option Two: Watch the 13 minute video that gives a tour of the State House in Annapolis. Record 15 detailed facts about the information from the video.
Option Three: Read the article below. Write a paper about the article, considering the following questions: What are some of the important issues the General Assembly are currently facing? What impact has the Corona virus had on their work? How do the General Assembly and the Governor work together? Which issues do you think are the most important and why?
Article: Maryland's Legislature Passed More Than 650 Bills in a 3-day Sprint
Article: Maryland's Legislature Passed More Than 650 Bills in a 3-day Sprint
Option Four: Pretend to interview someone who works in the General Assembly. Have a one-page or longer interview with this person. In this, ask questions about issues they may be facing, how the legislative process works, their experiences, job requirements, etc...Come up with questions to ask the elected member, as well as appropriate responses that he/she may have.
Task Three (Taking Action):
Option one: Think about the impact of the Corona Virus in our community and in our state. Write a letter to a member of the General Assembly, make a video, or create a poster about what you think they should do in dealing with this issue going forward.
Option two: Come up with a different issue that you think is important (minimum wage; age requirement for drivers license; etc...) and write a letter to a member of the General Assembly, make a video, or create a poster about what you think they should do in dealing with this issue.
Option three: Find a current news article of your choice regarding the General Assembly. Write one paragraph that summarizes what the article is about, and a second paragraph that summarizes your viewpoints on it.
Option four: This is the year of the census! We've talked about the census in class. Research more about it--why is it important and what impact will the census count have on Maryland state government? Record your answers.
Option one: Think about the impact of the Corona Virus in our community and in our state. Write a letter to a member of the General Assembly, make a video, or create a poster about what you think they should do in dealing with this issue going forward.
Option two: Come up with a different issue that you think is important (minimum wage; age requirement for drivers license; etc...) and write a letter to a member of the General Assembly, make a video, or create a poster about what you think they should do in dealing with this issue.
Option three: Find a current news article of your choice regarding the General Assembly. Write one paragraph that summarizes what the article is about, and a second paragraph that summarizes your viewpoints on it.
Option four: This is the year of the census! We've talked about the census in class. Research more about it--why is it important and what impact will the census count have on Maryland state government? Record your answers.